Outside Spring Activities for Kids

Spring is finally here! Your kids have been cooped up inside all winter long, so start planning some spring fun outside. Not sure what to do? Here are a few outdoor spring activities you can do with your kids.

Blow Bubbles

With the warmer weather that comes with spring, it’s time to break out the bubbles! Your kids have been waiting for months to be able to be carefree outside and bubbles give them the perfect excuse. You can have even more bubble fun by setting up bubble machines around the yard so that your kids are surrounded with fun.

Plant a Garden

Another great spring activity you and your kids can do outside is to plant a garden. Your kids will enjoy getting dirty as your prepare the ground for your spring flowers. They’ll also have a blast picking out the flowers they want to plant in their new garden.

Build a Stick Fort

After a long winter, your yard probably looks a little rough. Leaves and sticks probably litter your yard, revealed after the snow finally melts. This spring activity will help you get your yard in order, all while letting your kids have fun outside. Tell your children that you’re going to build a stick fort. Your kids will then need to collect all of the sticks from the yard. You can then weave yarn between the sticks to help build a small stick fort that your kids can play in.

Dance in the Rain

We all know that, “April showers bring May flowers,” which means that you can plan on a lot of rain in the spring! Take advantage of this and the next time it starts to rain, head outside for an impromptu rain dance. Your kids will love dancing in the rain and splashing puddles during this spring activity.

Spring is a fun time for kids. They’ll love their taste of freedom after a long winter indoors.

What are your favorite spring activities to do with your kids?

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